Two residents install the first street lights on Royalton. Themselves.
Dues: $25/year​
The developer of the Pickwick Place apartments wants to build more apartments on agricultural land on the SE corner of 96th and Ditch. The DCL mobilizes to fight the zoning - a fight that will last for 5 years.
The owner of an undeveloped lot on Culpepper starts to build a horse barn and fence. The DCL quickly mobilizes to stop the plans.
The developer at the SE corner of 96th and Ditch changes tunes to propose a commercial development.
Dues: $30/year
Our opposition to rezoning the SE corner of 96th and Ditch reaches the State Supreme Court!
Need of street repair is brought up at the annual meeting for the first time
New light fixtures are added to the Deerfield entrance
The fountain on the mall is gone by this time. It had been in the middle of the mall, about 2/3 of the way up the street.
There is mention of needing to re-incorporate the DCL since the original incorporation (18 May 1966) was revoked in 1 June 1970 for failure to renew.
1st Deerfield Directory published
Roads are getting worse- vehicles get stuck - pictures sent to the county, along with a strong letter.
Our zoning issue for the SE corner of 96th and Ditch is still in the State Supreme Court; the developer proposes a settlement, we counter, and the counter is refused
The fence at the entry needs masonry work
The Channel 13 property is finally nicely landscaped
Dues: $40/year
The zoning of the SE corner of 96th and Ditch is still an issue; now the developer proposes a professional building
Roads in Deerfield are still a problem; they were fixed a little, but have reverted to being dangerous
Our zoning issue at the SE corner of 96th and Ditch is finally settled out of court - our legal costs are reimbursed, and the developer settles on a professional building that we can live with.
The speed limit in the neighborhood is decreased from 30 mph to 20 mph
It appears this may be the first year of re-incorporation after losing corporate status in 1970 through neglecting to renew.
The motion is made and carried that the Vice President always becomes President of the Association.
Bringing natural gas into the neighborhood is discussed, specifically to light the street lights.
Concern is expressed over the safety and looks of the new Channel 13 satellite downlink dishes.
Dues: $35/year
The lamp posts at the entrance were knocked down
Dues: $55/year
Zoning of 1601 96th street as multi-family is an issue
Street repair comes up again
Channel 59 (under control of Mel Simon, apparently) proposes to build a 1000 ft transmitter tower next to Deerfield in what is now Summer Lakes. There was actually a proposal for Deerfield residents to get together and buy the land. (In retrospect, that would have been one heck of an investment!)
Water problems on the roads continue
Water problems on the roads continue
Rezoning of the SE corner of 96th and Ditch comes up again!
Finally agree on 2 office buildings to be built on the SE corner of 96th and Ditch.
Condos will be built on the 1601 96th St. address
We get commitments from developers of BOTH parcels about land use and appearance!
Channel 13's existing TV tower is extended
The entrance gates are painted
Drainage problems are bad enough that we hire an engineer, David Best, to develop proposals, and one is selected
We vote to "vacate" both ends of Royalton and other streets to allow Deerfield to stay a one-entrance community.
Summer Lakes is proposed for next door
Dues: $65/year
A radical proposal is heard of that would widen 116th to essentially be a highway. Was never heard from again.
Resurfacing the streets becomes an issue
Repairs are made to the north front wall
Electrical problems with lights fixed
Clay West Information Council (CWIC) formed to represent the area, which was in the unincorporated county... not in Carmel at the time.
Mayfair at the SW corner of 96th and Ditch is brought up for the first time
Asherwood is presented to the zoning board for platting. This apparently never happened.
The intersection of I-465 and Meridian is reconfigured
The estate that Brandon Ct backs up to (Dr. Lundeen, then Simon, now Ashwerwood) is re-done; a pond is added, causing drainage problems in Deerfield
Dues: $100/year
Entrance Lighting Committee renewed to examine options and implement
Damaged light globes are slowly replaced
Proposal is floated by the state to make Ditch road an artery like Meridian, with an exit from 465 and going through to Indiana 32. Never heard from again after Mel Simon contacts the Governor.
Carmel attempts to ram-rod an annexation of large parts of Clay township (not including Deerfield). It failed
Simon's Asherwood golf course is completed
Channel 13 proposes placing a large (100' tall) and powerful weather radar on it's site across the street. With strong opposition to the project, it is withdrawn. The tower is built in rural Hendricks county instead, close to the airport.
Corner of 96th and Springmill is an issue - the land between Springmill and Meridan is trying to be rezoned commercial, but that would seriously affect volume of travel on 96th. We oppose but lose.
There is a dialog about the future of 96th and Westfield Blvd.
Village of West Clay comes up, and is strongly apposed by all in West Clay on grounds of density and inadequate roads. Ultimately the zoning passes.
The Mayor of Carmel repeals his attempt to annex land
The future of 96th and Ditch is in question again due to the Village of West Clay project. Several configurations considered
Mel Simon buys the Lundeen residence behind the houses on Brandon (at the east end of Royalton), and proposes to turn it into an extension of his golf course
Mel Simon's house is demolished and a 50,000 sq. ft. mansion is started in it's place.